Prepare yourself for the consultation

Have you signed up for your Made By Diet® dietary consultations yet? If yes, congratulations on taking the first step on the way to introduce positive changes to your diet and your life! Making a start is the most difficult part of a journey. To get the best results, make sure to be well prepared for your dietary consultation. Discover the key steps to make the most of your appointment! Our dietary recommendations consist of individual tailor-made advice customized to your goals, preferences, lifestyle or any health problems that you may struggle with. Check the dos and don’ts to follow ten, seven and three days before you dietary consultation and on the consultation day. Transform your life through informed and tailored nutritional decisions – start your preparations today!

days before the scheduled consultation

Do a standard blood test (recommended)

Each person who cares about their health should have a prophylactic standard blood test done once a year. If it has been a while since your last one, it is worth thinking about it before your consultation with the nutritionist! You can have all the necessary tests easily done at any diagnostic laboratory and the test results sent to you the next working day at the latest!

The most basic and useful tests in terms of your diet consultations are:

  • Blood morphology – a cheap and popular test consisting in the assessment of the quality and quantity composition of the red and white blood cells and the platelet.
  • Lipid profile enables the evaluation of the lipid metabolism and the content of individual cholesterol and triglyceride fractions.
  • Glucose – the determination of glucose concentration in blood is used to evaluate the carbohydrate metabolism. It is the basic test in diagnosing diabetes.
  • Insulin – a hormone participating in sugar metabolism control by lowering the glucose level in blood. The determination of insulin concentration in blood enables the assessment of the body’s sensitivity to this hormone and diagnose/rule out the so-called insulin resistance.
  • Creatinine – it is a product of metabolism taking place mainly in spine muscles, resulting from creatine degradation. The creatine concentration level is used to assess the kidney condition and function.
  • Liver values – this term covers analysis of four liver enzymes in blood serum (ALT, AST, ALP, GGTP) and bilirubin (bile pigment being the product of blood cells decomposition). This test enables determining liver condition and function.
  • TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) – is secreted by the pituitary gland. It stimulates the thyroid (gland) to produce the following hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The TSH test results enable determining whether the thyroid functions properly. Thyroid function disorders are a frequent cause of many health ailments and problems with maintaining the right body weight.

Remember that overnight fasting is required for these tests (it is recommended that the last meal on the preceding day should be eaten at 6 p.m. at the latest) and that blood for tests is taken between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m.

days before the scheduled consultation

Complete your food diary and dietary questionnaire

After buying a package or an individual consultation, you will receive from us an e-mail with two electronic forms in PDF format:

  • Food diary – provides exact information on what, when and how much you have eaten in the past 3 days. It is important that you plan to fill it in duly in advance before your consultation date.
  • Dietary questionnaire – it is a questionnaire containing questions about your needs, lifestyle, health, physical activity, preferences and current diet.

Please, fill them in in electronic form.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The documents should be filled in on a computer or mobile device. Please, do not print them out, fill them in by hand or scan them.

before the scheduled consultation

Send us your test results and the completed food diary and dietary questionnaire to the address:

On your consultation day

Sending the documents duly in advance will make it possible for your nutritionist to analyse them in detail and prepare for the consultation.

Whether you chose an online consultation or a visit in the clinic, please don’t be late. Remember that you can cancel your consultation free-of-charge up to 24 hours before the scheduled meeting.

If you did not choose another form, online consultations are done via Microsoft Teams or Zoom. There’s no need to install any software! You just have to click on the link that you will receive when booking the meeting.

With prior arrangement, it is also possible to have a consultation on the phone or via another messenger of your choice, e.g., WhatsApp.

Dietary Consultations – Contact

Have you signed up with us for an online dietary consultation via Microsoft Teams or Zoom? Or maybe you have chosen to attend your dietary consultations at our office in Warsaw, at Hoża 51. Should you have your consultation online or offline, don’t be afraid to ask any questions you may have. We are here to answer all your questions and dispel your doubts. Read the price information and the possible options to choose from, and if anything is unclear, send an e-mail to, call +48 22 112 10 25 or contact us via the contact form available in the Contact tab: